Harvey turned 2 on November 3rd. We had a Elmo birthday party at the ranch with mom and dad. Harvey blew out the candles and sang himself happy birthday several times. Then of course helped himself to the cake.
Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Harvey said he wanted to be a monkey so a monkey he was he had the act and the sounds down great. We had a great time carving pumpkins with grammie and trick or treating with all of his cousins in St. Johns. But Harveys favorite thing to do was answer the door and give candy to the trick or treaters.
This summer it started out so dry but starting about July it started raining and rained about every day till September. It rained about 25 in in those few months it was the most rain anyone had seen there in over 30 years. The grass is up to your knees and the flowers were just amazing. We really enjoyed seeing it. It made a beautiful summer and fall.
The Heap reunion at Greens Peak is always one of the excitements of the summer. Harvey and Jordan( Holly's boy) took charge of uncle Boyds 4-wheeler. Harvey and his great grandma Heap(Nana) playing with toys while mom gets some card playing in.
We are not lacking in boys in the Platt family. Kristen(Jays sisiter) had the 6th boy in a row in June so we got them together with grandma to celebrate the occasion.
June and July were spent mostly at the ranch and were filled with horse back riding, 4 wheeler rides with grandpa and dad, fishing and of course mostly for Jay a lot of cowboying and fence fixing. Harvey riding Blue and we found the feeder makes a great babysitter Nothing like a 4 wheeler ride to wear a boy out. Harvey fishing at the pond with dad. This was the big catch of the summer. %
Harvey had his first trip to the ocean in June when we went to Mexico with the Heap family. He loved getting in the ocean and playing in the sand with his cousin Jordan.