Christas in Rio
overlooking part of the city in Rio

pping on
coconut water on the beach in Rio
(I will post more pictures of the Brazil tip as soon as I get them)

Trey cliff jumping

Maren and Harvey

Trip home from Powell

Ride on the house boat.
(from the left) Parker, Janelle, Mark and Harvey
The big catch!
(from the left) Daniel, Trey, Kyle, Jay and Mike
Jay dove into the water and had a wrestling match with
this cat fish after the line broke on its way in. They were both a little beat up but Jay came out on top.

Harvey and Maren sliding off the house boat
Its been a while since I have had a chance to post some pictures and news. I will try and catch everyone up on what happened this summer up till now. In July Jay and I took a trip to Brazil for three and a half weeks. We had a great time seeing people from Jay's mission and a lot of our friends. We spent most of our time in Recife and surrounding areas in the north and then on our way home spent a few days in Rio. It was so
awesome to see everyone and be there for our friend Marcelo's wedding. Thanks to both of our good parents that took care of Harvey while we were gone. When we got home from Brazil we headed to Lake Powell for a
Platt family reunion. I had never been and it was so fun. Harvey was in the water from the time he woke up till dark. Everyone had fun swimming, riding on the boats, fishing, wake boarding and of course cliff jumping. After over a month of traveling we headed back to Albuquerque. School was already started and we moved once
again into a new place and real life hits. I guess all good things have to come to an end and we were glad to be home.
Kimberly, that shot of Trey is AWESOME! I forgot how high that was, now I'm mad I didn't try! :) Just kidding, where I jumped off of was probably just right for me. I love your pictures - I should email you mine that I have, there are a few really cute shots of Harvey. That trip was a dream vacation. SO FUN.
Wow, you guys really lived it up this summer! Glad to see the update! :) Now I just need to update.
Hey Kimberly!
I hope you don't mind me sneaking a peek at your blog, but reading this post I HAD TO! My husband also served in Recife Brazil and will be MOST JEALOUS to know you both were able to go and visit! We'd love to make the trip and hopefully it will be sooner than later.
Anyway, I am so happy for you both with your new arrival coming soon... take care!
Kim! I had almost given up on you! hahaha! Glad to see new pics - and we're soooo excited about you having another boy! Congrats!!! Hope everything is good, miss you guys!
fun pics, kimberly. congrats on ANOTHER boy. Wow, you guys know how to make 'em! I heard Jen had her baby. So much fun.
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