Harvey with our friend Shared. More animals hooray! Dinosaurs!!
Yes its a centipede cake
Harvey turned three on November 3rd. We had a little party for him and his only request was that I make him a centipede cake. I really don't know why it wasn't a snake or some other animal but for weeks before every time I would ask him what kind of cake he wanted he said a centipede so here is my best effort to make one. Harvey got a whole tool box full of animals, worms, frogs and dinosaurs along with a few trucks. He is also learning how to play his new memory game and has beat Jay and I a few times. When ever people called to tell him Happy birthday he would say first Happy Birthday and the cutest thing when we were eating breakfast that morning he blessed the food and said " thanks for the food and thanks for me Harvey" it was so cute Jay and I were trying not to laugh.
Harvey was a crocodile for Halloween this year. He was so excited to go trick or treating and to carve our pumpkin. We went to a ward party and he saw someone that was dressed up like captain hook and started attacking and chasing her and saying tick tock, tick tock ( like on peter pan) it was really funny. Any way he growled at every door we went to and tryed to scare people. It was a lot of fun.
Jay went elk hunting in New Mexico twice this fall. He guided a hunt at his dads place and got a really nice bull, then he drew a tag and hunted at my dads place with some of his friends. This is the bull he got himself. He had a great time.