The crew Jordan, Colten, Harvey and Sam

Big 4

Colten's first big ride on Jasper

Harvey turned four on Monday. We had a little party for him on Sunday with his requested ocean Birthday cake. He told me that "it must have a whale on it". On his birthday we went on a little ride at the the ranch. Harvey thought he was pretty big stuff riding on his own.
You look great! And your kids are so cut!!! I have a four year old, has it really been that long????? Your pictures remind me of college and what you would explain to me your life would be.
WOW.... 4 that is crazy... He does not look like a baby anymore! Cute halloween costumes! Tell Harvey we say hi!!!
I can't believe that Harvey is already 4! I remember watching him when he was just a little baby.... I am getting OLD! I miss you all so much, I hope you are all doing well. So I am thinking... I should come spend the summer with you guys! I think it would be a BLAST! I love you all so much, give your sweeties kisses and loves from me?!?
E-mail me when you get the chance, My E-mail address is sweetr82@hotmail.com
Happy Birthday Harvey!
When did our little boys get so old? I can't believe cooper will be 4 in a few weeks.
SO THAT'S where the whales came from!!! :) Can't believe he's four. I heard a funny story about Harv and the puppy today. Sounds like they're big pals. I'm so glad.
Oh, so we all say....Oh that baby looks just like Jay, no you.....but to tell the truth, in that picture I saw you through and through. I'm glad you live on the ranch. That has to be so nice for Jenny and Jimmy. They once mentioned they might sell us a little land and I work on Ed all the time. He says we can't live both places and I say "WHAT....are you kidding, I would move there perminent!""... Good memories of when Jenny and I were young going there with Grandpa Skousen. Funny, Jenny and I were together summers, in college and really as much family as when she married Jimmy.... I love your family. I'm having so much fun putting everyone on the same blog so cousins can get to know one another. Holly is private, but if she would like to go to my blog and add the cousins she can and I'm not sure about Jennifer. Tell her is you want. Love you all,
(get your mom on the stick and have her set up a blog so at least we can visit when she is out on the ranch)... I'll go see her soon
Oh how your family is growing! I sure love this blogging thing as I can keep up on the extented family from Africa! Sure miss everyone!
Hey it's Erika! I'm so glad to have found your blog. Your family is adorable. I missed seeing you at the Heap Reunion. I need to be better at seeing everyone. How are you? How is your family? I'll add you to my blog. I hope to talk to you soon.
Hey kimber just wanted to tell you about our blog its www.bandbgray.blogspot.com
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