One of the biggest horny toads I've ever seen

One of the many horny toads of the year

Summer is always a fun time at the ranch. Harvey has had great fun lizard hunting everyday. We have had a huge variety of lizards, horny toads and the giant lizard we are still trying to figure out what it is. It is funny I keep seeing lizards without tails around the house from the little boys pulling a little to hard on them. Harvey always seems to have something in his aquarium. We planted a garden with my parents and have been trying to get a yard in at our house. It has been an eventful summer thus far and we look forward to the rest of it.
Your little boys are SO DARLING!!
I can't believe how big Harvey is! They are adorable! I hope you guys are doing well! :)
I haven't looked at your blog in ages. Your boys are huge and so handsome and alllllll boy! My girls would not know what to do with them. I think we need to come visit so my girls get taste of what boys in the country are like;) Tom said he saw Jay in the temple last month. Wish I would have seen you too!
Kimberly, you take the cutest pictures! Thanks for sharing them. What a cute bunch of boys.
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