Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Condo and Easter

Harvey spent hours diving for the dive sticks
and loving the goggles

Taking a break from swimming
Phoenix zoo

Jay and the boys riding a camel at the Phoenix zoo

Hunting Easter eggs

We spent Easter down in the valley which was so nice. The Condo had such a fun Easter egg hunt for the kids and the boys were so excited to meet the Easter bunny. It was such a nice break! We did a lot of swimming and lounging. Thank you mom and dad for the fun week .


goofy feet said...

Hi Kimberly! Your boys are too cute! Did you know we're having our 4th in Sept! Crazy. It's fun to see all you rranch pictures. My boys loved looking at them.
Check out my blog if you have a chance. It's www.allboystuff.blogspot.com and send me any ideas for good boys activities if you like. It's tough to keep boys entertained!, ya know?

tricia said...

Dear Kimberly,

Tell Jay to take some pictures so we can have some of you. Thanks for posting the pictures, we enjoy them so much.