Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Swimming by the dolphins
One of the only public beaches in the keys

Key West

dolphins coming up to the boat

View from the house

Swimming with the dolphins

scuba diving in the keys
Me, Casey, Mckelle and Jen diving (mom taking the picture)

I just went to Florida with my mom, Jen, Casey and Mckelle. It was such a great time. We stayed in the Florida keys. The first day we went out on a boat and watched the dolphins the guy we went with was so great. Usually you don't get to get in with them but he waited to see if they were in a playful mood then told us to get our snorkeling gear on and we jumped in with them . It was so cool. They were swimming all around us. One of the highlights of the trip. The next few days we went scuba diving and snorkeling which was also very cool. We saw an eagle ray, sting rays. sharks, sea turtle, tons of awesome fish and eels the reef was so beautiful. We also went to Key West a few times and saw the sunset celebration and all the fun shops. All in all it was such a great trip. The only bad thing was that it went way to fast!


tricia said...

That looks SO fun! Have you ever been scuba diving before? What beautiful water. I'm so glad you got to go. Thanks for posting all the pics.

Lindsey said...

Seeing all of those pictures makes me so homesick! I grew up in Key Largo - I forget how amazing it is!