I am so excited for spring to be here. There are so many things I love about spring. The flowers and blossoms, all the green coming out and of course the beautiful weather. It just gives me such a great feeling. It has been really nice for the most part, except for those few days of horrible wind but I guess living where we do it is expected. We have had a fun few weeks enjoying spring break and celebrating Easter with our families.

We had a fun Easter
Picnic out at the
sand wash with my family, cousins and grandparents
Harvey had a great time hunting eggs and playing with his cousins.

Matt, Jay, Trever, Boyd and Brad

Jay ready to go look for some
horns. Thanks Grandpa Bob for the hat!

Boys and more boys all playing with the bubbles


Harvey and Jordan seeing what the Easter bunny left them.

Easter in St. Johns with all the boys
Colten, Joshua, Jordan and Sam

The three boys.
Colten's first time to the ranch.

We spent almost a week at the ranches for Jays spring break. We can't wait to move there!!

Jay and Harvey had there first over night outing to the ranch without me.
Looks like fun! You all look great! It is fun to see updates on all of you! :)
Yes! That's my long lost friend Elder Platt!
Your family is gorgeous! Congratulations. I am so sorry I lost contact with you. Sure we will meet again!
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