Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here!

The boys were so excited to see Santa. Colten kept following him around with the biggest grin on his face. He told Santa " I just really want a bull and cow. Santa thought that was pretty funny.

Harvey had his school Christmas program. He played the part of a soldier in the toy shop and did a great job on his parts and songs.

Jay and Harvey topping the tree with the star

The boys insisted on there on tree for there room
we found a good one

Jay and the boys cutting our tree down

I love this time of year . It seems to have come so fast we are a little slow at getting all the decorations up but thanks to Harvey and Colten's excitement we finally got most of them up including our trees and they even talked me into putting a few lights outside even though we live in the middle of no where. I love when it is all up though. There is something about the lights, tree, decorations and music that just puts you in the Christmas spirit.


Jaime said...

Harv looks so cute as the soldier! Hope to see ya next week! :)

tricia said...

I'm always excited to see a new post! We really got a chuckle out of Colten and Santa. I wonder how you will get a bull and a cow in the house?

Wish we could have been at Harvey's program. I'm so pleased that he will perform. Our family doesn't have the best record of performing. They always cancelled at the last minute.

What a great Santa!

They are cute pictures, Kimberly. Looks like it was shirt sleeve weather.

Jaime said...

Didn't get to see much of ya, but wanted to tell you I have a new blog address